Why do I have Overbookings?
There can be several reasons for Overbookings, some are technical issues with calendar synchronization or due to manual mistakes by the user. We will breakdown manual user mistakes below:
- Importing bookings: user can import bookings via Excel, this method is to upload historical data or several manual bookings at once to save up time. If the user is not careful, the user can be uploading duplicate bookings and overlapping bookings. Importing excel tool does not stop the user from uploading duplicates or overlapping bookings, so proceed with caution.
- Provisional bookings: user can have multiple provisional bookings that can later be changed to confirmed, and be overlapping in dates. The system warns the user of this mistake, in order for the user to resolve the issue.
- Incorrect cancellations procedure: if users mishandle the OTA cancellation procedure, this can result in an overbooking. If the user cancels the OTA booking on PMS, in order to add a manual booking into similar dates, this will automatically cause an overbooking, as the OTA booking will change back to Confirmed, because the OTA booking must be cancelled via the OTA, not PMS.
- Changing booking dates of a past or current bookings: if the user changes a past or current booking date, it may trigger integration errors, due to incorrect use of the system.For example: if today it is 01/03/2022, and we have a past booking from 02/01/2022 to 02/02/2022, and we decide to change the dates today to 02/01/2022 to 05/03/2022, the channel manager will reject this adjustment, and the calendar will continue available between 01/03/2022 to 05/03/2022. If the user wants to extend a stay, or block future dates, the user must create a new booking for those dates, not edit a past booking.
If these are not the cases you are facing, please contact our support team, so we can identify the cause of your overbooking.
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