How to set up automatic tasks?

How to set up automatic tasks?

Setting up your automatic tasks in the Operations module is key for your daily operations.

  • Go to Operations Module
  • On Category, the user will be able to see three main tasks: Check in, Check out & Check out Cleaning. The user must create the category for any other type of tasks and/or requests required for their usual operations
  • On Settings, the user will have a list of properties, select the property to set up, and the options to edit will appear on the right. User must fill in the following:
    • Check-in and Check-out times
    • Task timing (how long a task takes to execute)
    • Service fees to guest
    • Category: assigning role and user responsible for specific automatic tasks, if the user wishes, they can assign a responsible to manual tasks also
    • Inventory: add the inventory count for each property
  • After this, your tasks are set up and ready for you to operate

Keep in mind, that any automatic task that has no responsible user will have a Draft status.

Remember, to access your app please go to

For more information on how to manage your tasks, please view our Operations Module and App PMS Tutorial

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