How can I add an Expense?

How can I add an Expense?

  • User must go to Expense submodule under Finance Module

  • On the upper right corner the User can select the button CREATE EXPENSE, and it will allow three types of Expenses entry creation.

    • Manual Expense entry: individually uploadable entry

Within the Manual Expense entry, the user must fill the following fields:

  1. Select if it is a Booking or Property Expense
  2. Provide Booking or Property reference
  3. If connected to a task, provide Task Reference
  4. Title of the Expense, Ex. Maintenance inspection Leakage repair, etc.
  5. Value date
  6. Description of the Expense, if any
  7. Type of Service that was provided, in order to categories the expenses. For example: if the expense is a leakage repair, it would go under Maintenance services, depending on how your accounting team has set up their Chart of Accounts
  8. Select who is responsible to pay this expense under field Paid by
  9. Amount of the expense, if tax exclusive this field can be edited
  10. Select if the tax is inclusive or exclusive
  11. Tax will auto calculate
  12. Total amount of the expenses, if tax inclusive this field can be edited
  13. Add documents related to the expense to justify to the client

After filling in the obligatory fields marked with an asterisk, the user can proceed to save the Expense, with or without assigning the expense to an invoice.

If the user wishes to assign the expense into an invoice, the user must confirm and approve the expense, and then proceed to select the invoice where this expense should appear, or create a new one.

    • Monthly Expense entry: will automatically generate the preconfigured expenses as per property settings for the month selected, this also includes Management fee if the month selected is in the past. The user must make sure to select if they wish to assign the expenses to an invoice or not.



    • Import Expense entries: this option allows the user to import expenses in bulk via an excel file. Follow the instructions indicated in order to property avoid mistake during the upload.

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